Each family is required to fulfill 5 volunteer spots. If you have not yet signed up, please utilize the sign-up genius that was sent previously to do so. Raffle tickets are due! If you have not yet turned in your ticket stubs and money please do so at Tuesday practice. NO PRACTICE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND due to Labor Day. September 13th: TJ Football Youth Night. Please RSVP to your team mom if your child will be attending. September 29th: Bar Bingo, each family is required to sell 3 tickets. A gentle reminder to all as our season gets underway. All members are representatives of the TJYF Organization and sportsmanship will be expected from all coaches, athletes, parents and fans at all times. Any inappropriate behavior or conduct will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns during the season we ask that you follow the appropriate chain of command outlined in our bylaws and I will include below: -Coaching concerns should be directed to the Coaching Coordinator, waiting at least 24 hours AFTER the incident. -All other concerns should be directed to your Division Representative. If at any time you have questions regarding the correct chain of command or are in need of contact information please feel free to send me an email.
A gentle reminder to all as our season gets underway. All members are representatives of the TJYF Organization and sportsmanship will be expected from all coaches, athletes, parents and fans at all times. Any inappropriate behavior or conduct will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns during the season we ask that you follow the appropriate chain of command outlined in our bylaws and I will include below:
-Coaching concerns should be directed to the Coaching Coordinator, waiting at least 24 hours AFTER the incident.
-All other concerns should be directed to your Division Representative.
If at any time you have questions regarding the correct chain of command or are in need of contact information please feel free to send me an email.
Thomas Jefferson Youth Football PO Box 10953 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236
Email: [email protected]